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Project Rationale

This work is rooted in “One, no one, one hundred thousand”, the 1926 novella of Luigi Pirandello who maintained that our identities were not fixed at birth and that we have many, constantly changing realities which constitute who we are.  


Film maker Wim Wenders reflects this idea of fleeting realities when, in 2012,  he was surprised when he saw a different reality of his wife whom he had known a very long time, revealed in a photograph of her taken by Peter Lindbergh.

Photographers who have influenced this work are Penelope Umbrico, Erik Kessels and David Thomas Smith.  Academic Fred Ritchin inspired the roll-over pop-up section which, inter alia, tells us to look below the surface to see different realities.

Aspects of The Google Earth section were also inspired by W.B.Yeats’poem ‘The Second Coming’.

Facebook and Flick’r have fed half of the elements of this work, while the games played in Facebook  inspired its interactive element.  Here, readers are asked to select a bundle of any five of the one hundred images found in this work which they feel best represent me, the author, and enter them in the Contact me section of the website.

Because any person is an amalgam of many types of experiences, not all physical, this assignment is presented in different ways.  The modes of presentation cannot be all inclusive but they give the idea that life cannot be expressed purely in images and text.   

Apart from being on this website, images from this work are also presented in book form.  The AV component, presented as a video with stills, is shared on Youtube.

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